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- Care after Skin Grafting (in Hindi).
- “Cleft Lip and Palate” Problem and its Remedy (in Hindi).
- Cancer 100 questions and answers (in Hindi)
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- Editorial: Indian Neurology (in press)
- Indigenous technique of fabricating vaginal mould for vaginal reconstruction and uterine drainage. Brijesh Mishra, Gaurav Janavar, Yashodhara Pradeep, Arun K Singh, Vijay Kumar, Divya N Upadhyay. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2016; 49(1):76-80
- Multidisciplinary treatment focusing on comprehensive orthodontic approach for improving facial esthetics in cleft lip and palate patients. Prasad V, Kumar V, Mishra B, Singh A K, Upadhyaya DN, Nair LC. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofacial Anomaly 2016; 3:50-4
- Editorial: Distraction Osteogenesis – the way ahead. National Journal of Craniomaxillofacial surgery, Sept 2015
- General Clinical Guidelines for Wound Management: Redefining acronym SWCR- Chittoria RK, Kumar P, Bajaj SP, Singh AK, Gupta DK, -- J of Society for Wound Care and Research 2014, 7 (1), 2-7
- Magnetic Resonance Neurography of the Brachial Plexus. Upadhyaya V, Upadhyaya DN, Singh AK, Kumar A, Pandey AK, Gujral R, Indian J Plast Surg 2015; 48: 129-37. d
- Evolving Consensus in Cleft Care Guidelines – Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies. Singh A K, Upadhyaya D N, Kumar V, Mishra B, Prasad V. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofacial Anomalies 2014; 2: 88-92
- Prosthetic Rehablitation Following Socket Reconstruction with Blair - Brown Graft and Conformer Therapy for Management of Severe Post- Enucleation Socket Syndrome - A Clinical Report: Himanshi Agarwal, Saumyendra V Singh, Pradeep Kumar & Arun Kumar Singh, J of Prosthodontics 2014
- Reconstruction of the superior gingiva-labial sulcus in bilateral cleft lip palate patients: Our experience Divya Narain Upadhyaya, Arun K Singh, Vijay Kumar, Brijesh Mishra, Veerendra Kumar Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies. 2014, Vol 1(I) 48-51
- Nerve Abscess in primary neuritic Leprosy :Rai, Mehrotra, Garg R K, Kumar Vijay, Singh A K, Leprosy Review, 2013, 84, 1-5
- Skin substitutes- An Indian perspective: A K Singh and Yogesh R Shenoy, Indian J of Plastic Surgery, 2012, 388
- Awareness among medicos regarding the role of Plastic Surgeon: Kumar, Vijay, Singh, A K, R. Nandini, Ameer Faisal and Handa, Lokesh – Indian J of Plastic Surgery, 2011, 13, 494 – 497.
- Singh, A K, Mohapatra, D P, and Kumar, Vijay Spectrum of primary bone grafting in Cranio-maxillofacial trauma at tertiary care center in India: - Indian J of Plastic Surgery, 2011, 14 (1), 29-35.
- Agarwal AK, Kumar, v. and Singh A K - Profile of Reconstructive Surgery in Leprosy in Central UP – India: Experience of PPP model- Ind J Physical Medicine & Rehablitation, 2010, 2(37), 37 -39
- Singh, A. K., Mohapatra, D. P, & Kumar, V., – The inner table calverial graft harvest: A source of Primary bone graft in the management of Craniomaxillofacial skeletal injuries: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, August 2010, Vol 33 (5), 291 - 296
- Singh, A K., Mohapatra, D P & Kumar, V., - Rigid internal fixation of mandibular fractures using autologous bone grafts: the autologous bone plate :European Jr of Plastic Surgery, March 2010, Vol 33 (3), 163 -167
- Mishra, B., Singh, A. K., Zaidi, J., Singh, G. K., Agarwal, R., & Kumar, Vijay – Presurgical Naso alveolar moulding for correction of cleft lip nasal deformity : experience from Northern India: Eplasty, 2010 (Vol 10), 443 – 447
- Singh, A K., and Karki, Durga - Micropigmentation- Tattooing for treatment of lip vitiligo: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, (Formerly British J of Plastic Surgery) 2009, 145, 20, 1-4.
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- Singh, A. K. & Upadhaya, D. N,-Sincipital Encephaloceles, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, September 2009, 20/87, 1851-1855
- Singh, A K - Icon of the issue: Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2009, 42, 232
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- Rajiv Agarwal, A.K. Singh, T.N. Dhole – Early experience with autologous skin culture for wound therapy. Ind. J. Plastic Surg., Vol. 40 (1), 104-106 , 2007.
- Arun K. Singh, Durga Karki – Modified trapezius transfer technique for restoration of shoulder abduction in brachial plexus injury. Ind. J. Plastic Surg., Vol. 40 (1), 39-46, 2007.
- Durga Karki, A.K. Singh - The distally-based island ulnar artery perforator flap for wrist defects. Ind. J. Plastic Surg., Vol. 40 (1), 12-17, 2007.
- Singh, A. K.,M. S. Sharma, M. S., Agarwal V. K. & Behari, S: Surgical repair of a giant naso-ethmoidal encephalocele- J. of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Vol. 1, Suppl.1, 19-21 2006.
- Suresh M. Chaware, S.K. Bhatnagar, A.K. Singh – A scanning electron microscopic evaluation of microsurgical anastomosis by conventional end to end and end to end anastomosis using “temporary stent” technique of an experimental study. Ind. J. Plastic Surg., Vol. 39(1), 39-41, 2006.
- Suresh M. Chaware, Raj Gajbhiya, A.K. singh – Penile tourniquet injury due to a stand of hair, Ind. J. Plastic Surg., Vol. 39(1), 70, 2006.
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- Kumar, V., Singh, A. K., Bhatnagar., S. K., Sharma, C., & Mishra, R. K..: Accessory Axillary Breast- Indian J. of Bioresearch, Vol.52, No.1, 72-75, 2005.
- Rao K., Kumar Sudhir, Kumar Vijay, Singh A.K, Bhatnagar S.K.: The role of simultaneous gap arthroplasty distraction osteogenesis in the management of temporo-mandibular joint in ankylosis with mandibular deformity in children , Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 32, 2004, 38-42.
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- Sudhir Kumar Mishra R.K., Kumar Vijay, Singh A.K.: Grafting of autologous non-cultured melanocytes of the treatment of vitiligo: A pilot study, Indian Journal of Dermatology, Vol. 48, No. 4, October-December 2003, 206-208.
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